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Korvakoru / The earring, watercolor, 75cmx56cm, 2017

Uneksija / The Dreamer, watercolor, 75x56, 2017

Marraskuu / November, watercolor, 70x53, 2015

Tärkeintä on rakkaus / The most important is love, watercolor, 75x56, 2021

Vapaus /. Freedom, watercolor, 70x53, 2017

Solina / Ripple, watercolor, 30x24, 2006

Yössä / In the Night, watercolor, 76x55, 2015

Ilon polku / The path of joy, watercolor, 76x56, 2020

Hetki yöllä / A moment in the night, watercolor, 30x30, 2012

Lämmin tervehdys / A warm greeting 56x75, 2001

Varjossa / In the shadow, watercolor, 30x14, 2006

Agricolan kirkko / Agricola Church, watercolor, 56x75, 2002

Kaipaus jälkeesi / I miss you, watercolor, 56x76, 2010

Liljat / Lillies, watercolor

Tärkeintä on rakkaus / The most important is love, watercolor, 76x55, 2020

Hymy / A smile, watercolor, 30cmX30cm, 2017

Oi elämä, pieni / Oh little life, watercolor, 75x56, 2020
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